Works on Paper

Number of works: 162. Results page: 6.

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'HMS. Calliope Steams out of Apia'

Watercolour, 67 x 122 cm

Jewellery, Decorative & Fine Art (Art Lots Only), Cordy's, Auckland.

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Price: Subscribe

The Battle of Trafalgar

Watercolour, 76 x 126 cm

Australian Paintings, Lawsons, Sydney.

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Price: Subscribe

The Naval Battle

Watercolour, 50 x 88 cm

Australian and European Paintings, Leonard Joel, Melbourne.

Hammer price, estimate, sale date and lot number will be visible when you subscribe.

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Price: Subscribe

The Devil's Caldron Near Tongariro, New Zealand (pair)

Watercolour and gouache

The Richard Boland Collection (Art lots only), Leonard Joel, Adelaide.

Hammer price, estimate, sale date and lot number will be visible when you subscribe.

Price: Subscribe

'HMS Orpheus Wreck at Onehunga, Nz, 1863'

Watercolour & gouache, 33 x 52 cm

Estate & Collector (Art lots only), Davidson Auctions, Sydney.

Hammer price, estimate, sale date and lot number will be visible when you subscribe.

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Price: Subscribe

The Broadside

Watercolour, 51 x 88 cm

Monthly Art Auction, Leonard Joel, Melbourne.

Hammer price, estimate, sale date and lot number will be visible when you subscribe.

Price: Subscribe

The James Peterson Going Through the Rip

Watercolour, 9 x 39.5 cm

Special Sale (Art Only, Lots 1 -99), E. J. Ainger Pty.Ltd., Melbourne.

Hammer price, estimate, sale date and lot number will be visible when you subscribe.

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Price: Subscribe

The 'Coorong'

Watercolour, 50 x 75 cm

Australian and European Paintings, Leonard Joel, Melbourne.

Hammer price, estimate, sale date and lot number will be visible when you subscribe.

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Price: Subscribe

Setting to Sail

Watercolour, 42 x 63.5 cm

Australian British, New Zealand & European Historical Paintings etc., Leonard Joel, Melbourne.

Hammer price, estimate, sale date and lot number will be visible when you subscribe.

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Price: Subscribe

Entering Corio Bay

Watercolour, 50 x 77 cm

Australian and European Paintings, Leonard Joel, Melbourne.

Hammer price, estimate, sale date and lot number will be visible when you subscribe.
