Prints & Graphics

Number of works: 824. Results page: 69.

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'Shady Pines'

Monotype, 19 x 24 cm

Fine Paintings, Rushton Fine Arts, Sydney.

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The Valley


A Most Important Catalogue of Australian Traditional, Foreign & Contemporary Paintings, Lawsons, Sydney.

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A Most Important Catalogue of Australian Traditional, Foreign & Contemporary Paintings, Lawsons, Sydney.

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Monotype artist's monogram in plate lower left, 27.5 x 30.5 cm

Fine Art Auction, Leonard Joel, Melbourne.

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Monotype, 28 x 24 cm

Australian Paintings, Prints & Books , Christies, Sydney.

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Falling Shade

Monotype, 23 x 28 cm

Australian and European Paintings, Lawsons, Sydney.

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Mountain Lake

Monotype, 21 x 23 cm

Australian, New Zealand, British & European Historical & Contemporary Drawings & Paintings, Sculptures , Leonard Joel, Melbourne.

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Bricks and Plaster

Monotype, 24 x 25 cm

Australian Paintings, Leonard Joel, Melbourne.

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Monotype, 31.5 x 25.5 cm

Australian, New Zealand, British and European Historical & Contemporary Paintings etc., Leonard Joel, Melbourne.

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Purple and White

Monotype, 21.5 x 25 cm

Australian Paintings, Leonard Joel, Melbourne.

Hammer price, estimate, sale date and lot number will be visible when you subscribe.
