
Number of works: 1,920. Results page: 3.

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A Rainforest Shield, North East Queensland Late 19th Century

Carved fig-wood (ficus alpipila), natural earth pigments, native binding fluids, sap and nails, 95 x 33 cm

Aboriginal Art - Thomas Vroom Collection, Sotheby's, London.

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A Parrying Shield, Darling River, New South Wales Mid 19th Century

Carved wood, pipe clay, 72.6 cm long

Aboriginal Art - Thomas Vroom Collection, Sotheby's, London.

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A Dynamic Parrying Shield, South East Australia (Late Nineteenth Century)

Carved hardwood and natural pigments, 72.7 cm high

Australian Indigenous & Oceanic Art, Day 1 , Mossgreen Auctions, Melbourne.

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A South East Australian Broad Shield

Carved wood, early to mid 19th century, with individual tooling gauges made by incisor tooth and wooden handle attached, Length: 98 cm

Aboriginal Art, Lawson~Menzies (now trading as Menzies), Sydney.

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A Rare Club Torres Strait Islands

Carved in hardwood, pigment traces, Length 68 cm

Aboriginal Art, Sotheby's, Melbourne.

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A Broad Shield, Darling River Region, New South Wales

Carved hardwood bears the letter 'H' verso, 84.5 cm high

Important Aboriginal Art, Sotheby's, Melbourne.

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A Gulmari Shield, Queensland

Carved hardwood, Height: 52.5 cm

Aboriginal Art, Sotheby's, Melbourne.

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An Engraved Water Carrier, South West Queensland

Carved wood, Height: 13 cm, length: 24 cm

Important Aboriginal Art, Sotheby's, Melbourne.

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A Fine Gulmari Shield

Carved hardwood, Height: 59.5 cm

Aboriginal Art, Sotheby's, Melbourne.

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An Exceptional North East Queensland Bi-Cornial Basket, Jawun Nyawaygi People or Wargamaygan People

Woven lawyer cane and natural earth pigments, 45 x 46 x 22 cm

Important Aboriginal Art, Sotheby's, Melbourne.

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Untitled (Ceremonial Mokoy Figure) c. 1950s

Natural earth pigments, resin, bush string and feathers on carved softwood, Height: 97 cm

Aboriginal Art, Sotheby's, Melbourne.

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A Parrying Shield, South Eastern Australia

Carved in hardwood, Length: 92.5 cm

Aboriginal and Oceanic Art, Sotheby's, Sydney.

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A Fine Spearthrower, Victoria

Carved wood, Length: 65.5 cm

Aboriginal Art, Sotheby's, Sydney.

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A Gulmari Shield, Queensland

Carved hardwood, Height: 56.5 cm

Aboriginal Art, Sotheby's, Melbourne.

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A Broad Shield, South East Australia

Carved and engraved hardwood, Height: 98 cm

Aboriginal Art; Aboriginal Art from The Superannuation Fund of William Nuttall and Annette Reeves, Bonhams, Sydney.

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An Impressive Jawun (Bicornual Basket), Queensland, 19th Century

Twined and woven lawyer cane, Width: 46 cm

Important Australian Art; Important Aboriginal Art, Bonhams, Sydney.

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Shield, South East Queensland, Australia Late 19th Century

Carved wood, natural earth pigments, 56.5 cm high by 17.5 cm

Aboriginal Art - Thomas Vroom Collection, Sotheby's, London.

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A Throwing Club, New South Wales, Mid 19th Century

Carved wood, Height 68 cm

Aboriginal Art, Sotheby's, London.

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A Fine and Early Narrow Shield

Carved hardwood and natural earth pigments, 85.5 cm high

The Marc & Elena Pinto Collection, Mossgreen Auctions, Melbourne.

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An Early Rainforest Shield

Carved figwood and natural earth pigments, 86 cm high

Australian, Indigenous & Oceanic Art, Mossgreen Auctions, Melbourne.

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