
Number of works: 1,920. Results page: 2.

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A Rain Forest Shield, Northeast Queensland, Late 19th – Early 20th Century

Carved from the buttress root of a tropical fig tree, 81 cm length

Important Aboriginal + Oceanic Art Auction, Deutscher and Hackett, Melbourne.

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A Bi-Cornual Basket, North East Queensland

Natural earth pigments on woven lawyer cane, 35 x 34 cm

Aboriginal Art, Sotheby's, Melbourne.

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A Rainforest Shield, Mareeba, North Queensland (Circa 1900)

Natural earth pigments on carved figwood, 97 cm high

Australian Indigenous & Oceanic Art, Day 1 , Mossgreen Auctions, Melbourne.

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Price: Subscribe

A Fine Broad Shield, South East Australia

Carved wood, Length: 99 cm

Aboriginal Art, Sotheby's, Sydney.

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A Shield, North East Queensland

Carved wood, Length: 55.5 cm

Aboriginal Art, Sotheby's, Sydney.

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A Rainforest Shield, Late 19th / Early 20th Century

Carved from the buttress root of a Fig Tree, of elongated ovoid form, the front with raised boss decorated with traditio, 101 cm height

Important Aboriginal & Oceanic Art, Deutscher and Hackett, Melbourne.

Hammer price, estimate, sale date and lot number will be visible when you subscribe.

Price: Subscribe

Murandani Figure

Wood, natural earth pigments, resin, pearl shell, Height: 62 cm

Aboriginal Art, Sotheby's, Sydney.

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A Rare and Exceptional Bowl, North East Queensland

Carved wood, Length: 45.7 cm, height: 23 cm

Aboriginal Art, Sotheby's, Sydney.

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A Bi-Cornual Basket, North East Queensland

Woven lawyer cane, decorated with natural earth pigments, 44 x 36 cm

Aboriginal Art, Sotheby's, Melbourne.

Hammer price, estimate, sale date and lot number will be visible when you subscribe.

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A Torres Strait Islands Spear Tip

Wood, fibre string, resin and bone, Length 67.2 cm

Important Aboriginal Art, Sotheby's, Melbourne.

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A Rainforest Shield, North East Queensland, Australia Late 19th Century

Carved fig-wood (ficus alpipila), natural earth pigments, native binding fluids, 101.5 x 42 cm

Aboriginal Art - Thomas Vroom Collection, Sotheby's, London.

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Price: Subscribe

A North-East Queensland Rainforest Shield

Carved hardwood, Height: 104.5 cm

Aboriginal Art, Sotheby's, Melbourne.

Hammer price, estimate, sale date and lot number will be visible when you subscribe.

Price: Subscribe

An Early and Exceptional Narrow Parrying Shield, Darling River Region, New South Wales (Early-Mid Nineteenth Century)

Carved hardwood and natural pigments, 84.8 cm high

Australian Indigenous & Oceanic Art, Day 1 , Mossgreen Auctions, Melbourne.

Hammer price, estimate, sale date and lot number will be visible when you subscribe.

Price: Subscribe

Parrying Shield, Victoria

Carved wood, 80 x 17 cm

Fine Early Aboriginal And Oceanic Art, Mossgreen Auctions, Sydney.

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Price: Subscribe

A Superbly Carved Narrow Shield

Carved hardwood and natural earth pigments, 90.2 cm high

Australian, Indigenous & Oceanic Art, Mossgreen Auctions, Melbourne.

Hammer price, estimate, sale date and lot number will be visible when you subscribe.

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An Exceptional and Dynamically Carved Narrow Shield, Darling River Region, New South Wales (Nineteenth Century)

Carved hardwood and natural earth pigments, 68 cm high

Australian Indigenous & Oceanic Art, Day 1 , Mossgreen Auctions, Melbourne.

Hammer price, estimate, sale date and lot number will be visible when you subscribe.

Price: Subscribe

A Rainforest Shield, North East Queensland

Carved in hardwood, Length: 86.5 cm

Aboriginal and Oceanic Art, Sotheby's, Sydney.

Hammer price, estimate, sale date and lot number will be visible when you subscribe.

Price: Subscribe

Three Parrying Shields, Central or Western Victoria, (3)

Carved in hardwood, Lengths: 88 cm, 99 cm, 86.5 cm

Aboriginal and Oceanic Art, Sotheby's, Sydney.

Hammer price, estimate, sale date and lot number will be visible when you subscribe.

Price: Subscribe

A Collection of Eight Ceremonial Spearheads Victoria River Region Finely Carved Hardwood Attached to Bamboo Shafts with

??, Varying heights from 80 to 90 cm

Important Aboriginal Art, Sotheby's, Melbourne.

Hammer price, estimate, sale date and lot number will be visible when you subscribe.

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A Rare and Exceptional Figurative Tiwi Ceremonial Dance Wand

Carved wood, Height: 76 cm

Aboriginal Art, Sotheby's, Sydney.

Hammer price, estimate, sale date and lot number will be visible when you subscribe.
