
Number of works: 321. Results page: 10.

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Wellington Street Scene with Trams

Oil on board, 28 x 34 cm

Art & Antique Auction, Dunbar Sloane, Auckland.

Hammer price, estimate, sale date and lot number will be visible when you subscribe.

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Lambton Quay

Oil on board, 54.5 x 45 cm

New Zealand & International Fine Art, Day 2, Dunbar Sloane, Wellington.

Hammer price, estimate, sale date and lot number will be visible when you subscribe.

Price: Subscribe

Sunday Afternoon, Victoria Street, Wellington

Oil on board, 29 x 29 cm

Fine Art Auction, Dunbar Sloane, Wellington.

Hammer price, estimate, sale date and lot number will be visible when you subscribe.

Price: Subscribe

Evans Bay (Wellington)

Oil on board, 44 x 56 cm

Fine & Applied Art, Dunbar Sloane, Wellington.

Hammer price, estimate, sale date and lot number will be visible when you subscribe.

Price: Subscribe

Wellington Harbour

Oil on board, 58.5 x 73.5 cm

New Zealand & International Fine Art, Day 2, Dunbar Sloane, Wellington.

Hammer price, estimate, sale date and lot number will be visible when you subscribe.

Price: Subscribe

View Lake Taupo

Oil on board, 27 x 36 cm

New Zealand & International Fine Art, Day 2, Dunbar Sloane, Wellington.

Hammer price, estimate, sale date and lot number will be visible when you subscribe.

Price: Subscribe

View of Wellington Harbour from Wadestown

Oil on board, 49.5 x 74 cm

New Zealand & International Fine Art - Part Two, Dunbar Sloane, Wellington.

Hammer price, estimate, sale date and lot number will be visible when you subscribe.

Price: Subscribe

Walking Up the Road

Oil on board, 30 x 52 cm

Fine And Applied Arts, Dunbar Sloane, Wellington.

Hammer price, estimate, sale date and lot number will be visible when you subscribe.

Price: Subscribe

Lake Rotoiti

Oil on board, 49 x 62 cm

New Zealand & International Fine Art, Day 2, Dunbar Sloane, Wellington.

Hammer price, estimate, sale date and lot number will be visible when you subscribe.

Price: Subscribe

Lambton Quay

Oil on canvas laid down on board, 40.5 x 29.5 cm

New Zealand & International Fine Art, Day 2, Dunbar Sloane, Wellington.

Hammer price, estimate, sale date and lot number will be visible when you subscribe.
